Easy Tips to Find the Perfect Mattress

We sometimes tend to forget that we spend almost a third of our lives lying in bed. However, for most people quality sleep is an often neglected part of their wellbeing, leading to several health complications. Fortunately, there are many innovative options available in the market for mattresses that can greatly help improve one’s quality of sleep. Read on for a few easy tips to find the perfect mattress. 

Know Your Size

You don’t necessarily need to buy a replacement mattress that’s the same size as your old one. Alternatively, you can gain quite a bit of bedroom space and economize by downsizing to a queen or full-size mattress. Think about your current lifestyle before making your purchase. 

Try Before You Buy

Yes, it’s awkward, but you do need to lie down and give the mattress a try. There’s no substitute for this step, so stretch out fully, curl in your favorite sleeping position, roll from side to side, stay up as if you’re reading in bed, and sit on the edge of the mattress to check its firmness.

Ask About Returns and Trial Periods

Even though you tried the mattress in the store, the important test comes after a whole night—or a week, or month, spent sleeping on it. That’s why most mattress dealers provide a “comfort trial” period that is usually around 30 days within which you can return the mattress.

How Firm Do You Like It?

The mattress industry doesn’t have a uniform measurement of mattress firmness. This means one manufacturer’s “firm” could be another maker’s “extra firm.” So make sure to factor this in when shortlisting options.

Pillow Top: Yes or No?

Pillow-top mattresses have become quite fashionable lately, but the fluffy comfort adds quite a bit to the cost. Keep in mind that a pillow top is probably going to lose its firmness long before your mattress gives out, especially if you’re heavy. 

Budget Generously

A good mattress isn’t cheap, but health and quality sleep are priceless. While you ought to never go way beyond what you can afford, make sure that what you select provides the rejuvenation and rest you need.
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